#ifndef _TRIPLE_WAVELET_H_ #define _TRIPLE_WAVELET_H_ #define COMPRESS_PERCENT 95.0f // Specify how much wavelet coefficients are discarded[0, 100]. #define WAVELET_CONS 2.5198420997897464f #define PARENT_CONS 0.62996052494743660f //#define PARENT_CONS 4.0f / ( WAVELET_CONS * WAVELET_CONS ) #define CUBEWIDTH 64 #define BLOCKSIZE ( ( CUBEWIDTH * CUBEWIDTH - 1 ) / 3 ) #define USE_LIMIT 1e-6f //#define COMPRESS_PSUM namespace wavelet { static unsigned int leveltable[ 9 ][ 3 ] = { { 1, 0, 1 }, { 4, 1, 2 }, { 16, 5, 4 }, { 64, 21, 8 }, { 256, 85, 16 }, { 1024, 341, 32 }, { 4096, 1365, 64 }, { 16384, 5461, 128 }, { 65536, 21845, 256 } }; class BRDF { public: unsigned char* coeff; float coeff_min; float coeff_max; float coeff_table[ 256 ]; unsigned int* usedcoeff_offset; unsigned short* usedcoeff_num; unsigned short* usedcoeff_table; unsigned int usedcoeff; #ifdef COMPRESS_PSUM unsigned char* psum; float psum_min; float psum_max; float psum_table[ 256 ]; #else float* psum; #endif unsigned int normal_samples; unsigned int reflection_samples; #ifdef COMPRESS_PSUM BRDF() : coeff( 0 ), coeff_min( 0.0f ), coeff_max( 0.0f ), psum( 0 ), psum_min( 0.0f ), psum_max( 0.0f ), normal_samples( 0 ), reflection_samples( 0 ) {} #else BRDF() : coeff( 0 ), coeff_min( 0.0f ), coeff_max( 0.0f ), usedcoeff_offset( 0 ), usedcoeff_num( 0 ), usedcoeff_table( 0 ), psum( 0 ), normal_samples( 0 ), reflection_samples( 0 ), coeff_num( CUBEWIDTH * CUBEWIDTH ), psum_num( BLOCKSIZE ) {} #endif BRDF( const char* filename ) { input_brdfWaveletCoeff( filename ); } ~BRDF() { if ( coeff != 0 ) delete [] coeff; if ( psum != 0 ) delete [] psum; if ( usedcoeff_offset != 0 ) delete [] usedcoeff_offset; if ( usedcoeff_num != 0 ) delete [] usedcoeff_num; if ( usedcoeff_table != 0 ) delete [] usedcoeff_table; } const unsigned int getMapOffset( const float normal[ 3 ], const float reflection[ 3 ] ) { return 2 * reflection_dir_table[ (int)( reflection[ 0 ] * 99.9999f ) / 2 + 50 ][ (int)( reflection[ 1 ] * 99.9999f ) / 2 + 50 ][ reflection[ 3 ] > 0.0f ? 0 : 1 ]; } inline float getCoeff( const unsigned int mapoffset, const unsigned int level, const unsigned int type, const unsigned int i, const unsigned int j ) { return coeff_table[ coeff[ mapoffset * coeff_num + type * BLOCKSIZE + leveltable[ level ][ 1 ] + ( leveltable[ level ][ 2 ] * j + i ) + 1 ] ]; } inline float getParentSum( const unsigned int mapoffset, const unsigned int level, const unsigned int i, const unsigned int j ) { return psum[ mapoffset * psum_num + leveltable[ level ][ 1 ] + ( leveltable[ level ][ 2 ] * j + i ) ]; } bool input_brdfWaveletCoeff( const char* filename ); bool output_brdfWaveletCoeff( const char* filename ); void setTable( void ); private: unsigned int coeff_num; unsigned int psum_num; unsigned short int normal_dir_table[ 50 ][ 50 ][ 2 ]; unsigned short int reflection_dir_table[ 100 ][ 100 ][ 2 ]; }; // uncompressed, unquantized wavelet coefficient structre. struct waveletdata { float coef[ 2 ][ CUBEWIDTH * CUBEWIDTH ]; /* dual paraboloid */ float psum[ 2 ][ BLOCKSIZE ]; }; struct prequantizedwaveletcoeff { float val; // unquantized wavelet coefficient float value. unsigned char index; // the position index in a block[0, 255]. }; // quantized wavelet coefficient structure. struct quantizedwaveletcoeff { unsigned char val; // quantized wavelet coefficient[0, 255]. unsigned char index; // the position index in a block[0, 255]. }; /* * Illustration of quantized wavelet coefficient memory management(here for example 64x64x6 cubemap). * * * 1. First, split 64x64x64 wavelet coefficient row into blocks of 256 samples. * * 0 256 512 64x64x6 * +------+-----+- ... -+------+ * | | | | | The number of blocks = 64x64x6 / 256 = 96 blocks. * +------+-----+- ... -+------+ * * * 2. Create 96 pointer array(wcoefflist). * Then we assign null if all elements in a block has zero. * Else substitute pointer address of wavelet coefficient arrays. * * * wcoefflist * * +----+ * |null| wcoeffarray * +----+ +-----+-----+ * | --------> | w1 | w2 | * +----+ +-----+-----+ * |null| * +----+ * |null| * +----+ +-----+-----+-----+ * | --------> | w3 | w4 | w5 | * +----+ +-----+-----+-----+ * . * . * . * \| * * N = 64x64x64 / 256 = 96 cells * * * 3. When we are doing space matrix manipulation, * we can restore the original position of a coefficient as follows * * w1's original position in the row = 1(cell index) * 256 + w1.index * w3's original position in the row = 4(cell index) * 256 + w3.index */ void compress_index( const float* data, const unsigned int size, unsigned int* compressed_size, unsigned short* compressed_index, float* cliped_values ); void compress_value( const float* data, const unsigned int size, float* max, float* min, unsigned char** compressed_value ); // sign static float quad_signs[ 3 ][ 4 ] = { { 1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f }, { -1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }, { -1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f } }; // return sign inline float sign_of_quadrant( const unsigned int type, const unsigned int qx, const unsigned int qy ) { return quad_signs[ type ][ qy * 2 + qx ]; } inline float getCoeff( const float* data, const unsigned int level, const unsigned int type, const unsigned int i, const unsigned int j ) { return data[ type * BLOCKSIZE + leveltable[ level ][ 1 ] + ( leveltable[ level ][ 2 ] * j + i ) + 1 ]; } void compute_Phong( const unsigned int reflection_sample, const unsigned int multiplier, BRDF& brdf ); void compute_Lambert( const unsigned int normal_sample, BRDF& brdf ); void decompose( const unsigned int size, float data[] ); float parent_sum( const float* data, const unsigned int level, const unsigned int i, const unsigned int j ); void calcParentSumTable( const unsigned int size, const float data[], float* sumTable ); void throw_away_percent( const unsigned int size, float data[], float percentage ); void throw_away_val( const unsigned int size, float data[], float threshold ); } #endif

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